Tuesday 14 June 2016

Not a cliche (part 1)

You were
a home away from home
and even though that’s a clichéd thing to say,
there was nothing clichéd
about the comforts I found,
lazing around
in your lawns, spreading themselves out
like unabashed arms,
anticipating a hug.
Today, as I leave,
here's the tightest hug that’s ever been…
should I wrap it up for you, SRCC,
in layers and layers of thanks
crossed and knotted with love?
Will you envelop me in this hug
for one last time
as I cry?
And will you hear
in this teary eyed goodbye,
everything I ever wanted to confess,
all the things that still need to be said?
And even though goodbyes
are pretty clichéd to wave,
there was nothing clichéd about the sunrays
that greeted me with light
as I stepped inside you, everyday.
You were
a home away from home
and you were not a cliché! 
(for my alma mater) :)

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