Wednesday 29 June 2016

Not a cliche (part 2)

You were a memory
stronger, stranger and sweeter
than all my memories combined.
And even though that's a
clichéd thing to say,
there was nothing clichéd
about reading with you, precariously
atop your balcony ledges,
listening to page after page
and footstep after footstep run
then pause, and hover
in search of companions
only to run again to
unknown destinations. 
Today, when I have left,
having gathered
learning beyond what my mind
could measure,
may I thank you
for all the ways in which
you've mattered?
And pluck from each brick, each leaf,
each gulmohar petal,
each lecture, each trip, each bunk,
each canteen table,
memories to last me a lifetime?
And even though fishing for memories
is a clichéd way to be,
there was nothing clichéd
about what you mean to me.
You were a memory
stronger, stranger and sweeter
than all my memories combined.
And you were not a cliché.
(For the best place with the best memories; for SRCC)

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